NAMMOS presents a whole new world of excellence and perfection through hospitality experiences that go beyond any expectations. Every step is a fulfilment of joy for the traveller who seeks immersive luxury with a natural soul.
a World of Sublime
Feel the Magic
of a Unique Setting
New Summer Sensations
In the world of elevated gastronomy and Haute leisure, NAMMOS has crafted its international glamorous reputation. Now it is time for NAMMOS Hotels to transport you to a lavish hospitality experience that will first and foremost be a celebration of luxury cocooning, elegantly enveloping and lavishly pleasurable.

A universe of deep comfort where everything is immaculate, indulging and desirable to the core; Summer Living as grand as it gets!

Hospitality Beyond Expectations
Welcome to the New Wave of Luxury Living
NAMMOS Hotels are about to set sail on an inspiring journey among experiences and services beyond any dreams. The time has come to reinvent hotel living and make your stay a phenomenal one. Find your own sense of place and follow the NAMMOS curation into a whole other spectrum. Both electrifying and magnetic!
Come aboard: The new lifelong NAMMOS journey begins! Discover the true essence of hospitality into a selection of prime locations.
Be A Nammos

The NAMMOS Hotels

The NAMMOS Hotels